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Redman Album's

Whut Thee Album
Dare iz a Darkness
Muddy Waters
Doc's Da Name (2000)
El Niņo - Def Squad

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What up, This is Critikal again coming at ya with my second project "Redman - In Da Bricks where da rats'll whoop yo ass!". First of all much love to all da peeps dat supported the Wu-Tang Page thanks. Don't worry though dun, this page is grow god, it's gonna grow like a plant son.

I did a Redman page cause he's a dope rapper that can rap with the best of them, and does. Red has done songs with Eric Sermon, Kieth Murray, Method Man, Pmd, 2pac, Mobb Deep, KRS-One, and many more.

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Redman AKA - Funk Doctor Spock

Real name - Reggie Noble

Redman is from Da Bricks (Newark, New Jersey) Murder Capitol of the East Coast. He first started out touring with EPMD. He then made his own album, a debut called "Whut Thee Album"on chaos records. With that album he impressed the people at def jam records, next thing you know my man's got a record deal with the hottest rocording company in Hip-Hop. In 1994 he came out with his second album, "Dare iz a Darkness" on Def Jam records. In 1995 he hooked up with lable-mate Method Man to make up one of the best dous in Hip-Hop; and together they made a single "How High" on The Show soundtrack which was extremely successful. 1996 Redman made his third album Muddy Waters which I think was among the best albums of that year, again hooking up with Method Man on a couple of joints. 1996-1998 He and good friends Eric Sermon and Kieth Murray worked on an album together called El Nino which included the platinum remake of the hit "Rappers Delight". The trio's witty and funky rap styles caused mainstream music (such as MTV) to jump on this hit making them pretty well recognized outside of Hip-Hop. In 1999 Redman released his newest album called "Doc's Da Name (2000)", This a typical Reggie Noble album complete with his witty, funky, satirical rap style known to the world as Redman.


He is now working on an album with Method Man which they will release called Method Man & Redman The EP.

Linx to other dope sites

Wu-Tang Clan - 36 Chambers of Death Kid!
Noreaga - Superthug from Lefrak City, Iraq (What What)!
Def Jam
The Source
Method Man

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I don't have any Redman lyrics right now, but I'm going to try to get some later. I will put them up on the page as soon as I get them. If any of y'all out there have any please send them to me when you can Critikal thanx a lot.

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What rapper makes the best duo when teamed up with Redman?

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